Yatra.com offers special fares to India. Book a ticket with Yatra.com to take advantage of our bargains on New York - Delhi or New York - Mumbai. Choose from leading airlines, and get the best deal on flights to anywhere in India.
What’s more, each fare comes with a fair price promise. All you have to do is to search and select your flight to India and book your travel with us. From the search results (all of which will be the lowest fare for that class of travel), simply select your flight and make a booking. If within 24 hours of making a booking with us you find a lower fare elsewhere, we will lower our fare to match that.
Terms & Condition*
All fares are inclusive of all taxes & charges and subject to availability.
This Offer is valid for Outbound Travel between: 21 Aug' 11 and 31 Mar' 12
This Offer is valid for Booking made and Ticketed on / before: 31 Jul' 11
These are discounted fares and are subject to certain rules and regulations, airlines may restrict upgrade to any higher class. For any clarifications, please contact the respective airlines.
All tickets and fares are subject to date change and cancellation penalties and may in some cases be non changeable and non refundable.
This offer cannot be clubbed with any other offer & promotions on Yatra.com
This is a promotional offer, and Yatra’s maximum liability limited to refund of an amount equal to taxes paid.
Yatra reserve the rights to add, modify, alter, withdraw all or any of the Terms and Conditions or replace, wholly or in part, the program by any other program, whether similar to this program or not or to withdraw it altogether without any prior notice.
Excepting any inconsistency, standard website Terms and Conditions on air-tickets and air-travel apply to all tickets, including the free tickets.
These terms are subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in Gurgaon
If you wish to book with Yatra.com or require more information about our Special Fare Offers and Flight Deals,
Please call Toll Free 1-888-469-9287.
Subject to Availability
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