Trains -Get Rs 50 Cash Back per booking
Offer valid on bookings made on from 10/05/10 to 10/08/10 for any date of travel.
Your cash back will be credited to your account within 5 working days.
To avail the cash back enter the promo code AXISTRIP before payment during the booking process.
Please remember: This offer is valid only on Axis Bank Debit Card. You can transact twice during offer period to avail the cash back. If you transact more than twice you can still book but will not get any cash back on your third transaction. The Cash Back offer is valid per booking. In case you book more than 1 segment/ticket/room night/seat or berth in a single booking, you will still receive cash back on per booking basis only. In case you cancel the booking (in part or full) the entire cash back availed for the said booking will be deducted from the refund amount. Offer is valid for online bookings only. Not valid for IVR/ Tele-bookings. This offer cannot be clubbed with any other cash back offer on